Ukrain Girls Biography
It all started with the fact that on September 3 broadcast TV BIZ-TV premiere of their debut video - clip 'Attempt? 5'. After this event, began to develop at a maximum rate that overcomes everything, even the most optimistic expectations producers collective Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze. For 12 (!) September had the first pirated recording debut songs. But by the end of the first month of existence, the team appeared in the press mass 'yellow' materials, musical layouts - cassettes with illegally published composition 'Attempt? 5'. Calm Ukrainian show-business excited 'mystery called "VIA GRA" (quote from the title of one of the publications of the group).
The first hit the team quickly won the top the charts and was published in many popular Russian and Ukrainian collections. 'Attempt? 5' released on the compilation Hit FM (Moscow), XXL 'Dance', Auto HIT 'best hits BIZ-TV. Part 2 ', etc..
Refuting rumors that that's all and end by the beginning of winter on the screens out another video on the bright dance track "Hold me". Interest in the group is concentrated, denser and almost materialized. She invited to the concerts and interviews. Suffering has been denied. Intrigued public involved the generation of numerous assumptions about girls, the producers and the future of the collective.
By the end of 2000, the group's repertoire was already 7 songs, with which 'VIA GRA' began touring. The first concert took place on the team Dec. 20 in Dnepropetrovsk on the stage of the Ice Palace in the presence of 4 thousand visitors. To date the group has given more than 70 concerts in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
During the first year of existence 'VIA GRA' won several prestigious awards. The team participated in the ceremony 'Stopoduvy Hit' From Radio Hit FM (Moscow), which was held on June 2, 2001 in the Kremlin, and was awarded the prestigious 'gold weights' for the hit 'Attempt? 5'.
Team spoke at the 10 th anniversary annual all-Ukrainian festival "Tavria Games" and received a 'golden pen' at the award ceremony 'Golden Firebird' in
nominations 'Breakthrough of the Year' and 'Best Song'.
14 April 2001 we 'VIA GRA' made in St. Petersburg in a grand concert 'Hit Parade Muz-TV' broadcast the show took place in 250 cities of Russia.
April 23 the group has become a nominee of the project 'Star of the Ukrainian stage', conducted within the framework of the action 'Star of Ukraine', and received a diploma.
November 17 and 18 Group 'VIA GRA' became the first Ukrainian team, which was awarded the prestigious 'Golden Gramophone'. The team received her hit 'Attempt? 5'.
Member Group participated in photo shoots for many magazines. Among them, 'XXL' (Moscow), 'OM' (Moscow), 'Events' (Moscow), "Women's Magazine" (Kiev), etc.. Produced by the team decided to abandon photography for the magazine 'PlayBoy' (Moscow).
Alain and Nadia took part in filming the popular television program 'VIP. - Caprice ',' Banzai! ', '12 Angry Viewers', "Stilissimo", "Papapratstsi" (MTV); SV-show (1 +1); project 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka'
. 2002
. Horse of the Year for the sexy team throughout the post-Soviet space was a year of great change and transformation
. In the spring the duo became a trio. Causative stimulus to changes in the composition was the desire Granovskaya hopes to become a mother and temporarily leave the group. To fill a vacancy will occur producers collective - Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze - staged a rigorous selection of the candidates, which made it to the finals two: ex-TV Leading Anya and Petersburg model Tanya.
Newly trio immediately began to work, has written a new song called 'Stop! Stop! Stop! " and starred in the memorable video for her. May 23 in Moscow concert hall "Russia 'girls took part in awarding the prize' Ovation '.
August 15 Nadia gave birth to the lovable kid. The boy, much like her mother, was born weighing 2,700 grams and 52 centimeters. Baby named Igorem.12 ended September shooting a new video of the song 'Good morning, daddy! ". The main sensation of the new work was involved in the shooting of Hope Granovskaya! Return sexy brunette in a team and fans waited for the group, . and producers, . and managers of the company Sony Music, . which a year ago a group of five-year contract,
. Shortly after filming the video Tanya left the band to take part in large-scale television project.
Autumn Alain, Nadia and Anya took part in the filming of the new screen saver to one of the most popular charts Russia's MTV - "Ukrainian Top Twenty '. Girls in overalls 'second skin', the script, robbed the bank, riding on huge motorbikes, used a firearm, an electric and charm for profit.
This year's soloist VIA GRA Anya, Nadya and Alena role played by royalty for a musical 'Cinderella', the next New Year's project-Ukrainian TV channel 'Inter'. Girls transformed into foreign princesses, to the best of the character and mentality of seducing Baskova.
Last year, Anya, Nadya and Alena took part in several television projects. They are heroines of programs 'hide and seek', 'The Domino Principle', 'Total Show' and other. Belle appeared on the covers of the super popular men's magazines 'XXL', 'Maxim' and once again refused to strip for 'Playboy'.
New Year - the best reason to start a new life. Took advantage of our favorite women's team and in early January, immediately struck the public wholesale portion of supernova. First and foremost - in the group appeared Faith. No religious fanaticism, just call a stunning blonde, who recently became a soloist VIA Games. In an extraordinary appearance, Performing Talent and beautiful name, the young star has the intriguing name of Brezhnev. Vera replaced Alain Vinnytsya, left the trio for a solo career.
I updated and even more brightly shining VIA Games - thousands of ambitious plans. Some of them already put into practice. With the participation of the Faith rewritten debut album 'attempt? 5 ', and almost finished work on a new plate.
Conclusion of the contract with Sony Music:
August 31, 2001 in Moscow, a contract was signed between Sony Music and group VIA GRA ". This is the first international contract of the company Sony Music Entertainment (RUS), as a charming team is a fully Ukrainian product: all its members are citizens of Ukraine and live in the capital - Kyiv. Thus, in the Sony Music catalog can now find 5 Russian artists.
September 27 at the label, 'Columbia', in which the album's release of such famous artists as: Ricky Martin, Celine Dion, Destiny's Child, Aerosmith, Jessica Simpson and many others, their debut album VIA GRA, entitled 'An attempt? 5'
. It includes 11 songs: 'spell', . 'Attempt? 5', . humorous descriptions of adventures of the protagonist in a love hexahedron, . which is replenished by the end of song girlfriend Masha and its several clones, . 'I will not return', . very lyrical, . sad and unusual for the melody track, . 'Meet my mom, . say, . that the greatest folly in the world are made with a straight face.
If you listen to this thing seriously, it will be really big blunder. Because she superLight. And in general SUPER! The range of positive emotions from a smile to light buoyant laughter you provided, 'What have I done', 'bomb', a song of protest, which in itself is interesting because such sensations are not typical for the post-Soviet pop. Blow up the world of music and fresh energy until he died of boredom! 'Would you let me', sensuous confession of love. In love! Whatever was said, 'Now or never' in this song - absolute freedom, as in a dream. So why not use it! If now you can change all around, . Why wait? Urgent proceed to positive deconstruction of objective reality, . 'Hold me', . another confirmation of the rapidly advancing matriarchy and no less inexorably approaching female polygamous.
'Thanks for the summer', fall is the inspiration not only from Pushkin, especially if the summer was in good company own dreams, 'Every day', with a creative approach everyday life are no less romantic than the day of the first kiss.
By mid-March 2003 the company 'Sony Music Entertainment (RUS)' plans to release second album. The future of Long-play no names, but a few songs from it have already become a huge hit. In fresh material the more serious themes, it's aimed at a vzrolsuyu audience than the previous. This is evidenced by the songs from the disc, which had already become a huge hit, 'Good morning, papa!', 'Do not leave me', 'Stop! Stop! Stop! ".
Author of lyrics, music and arrangements of all songs - Konstantin Meladze
'Attempt? 5', dir. Max Papernik operator Alexei Stepanov;
'Hold Me', dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Bomb', directed. Igor Ivanov, to Dr. Victor Cherkasov;
'I'm not coming back', dir. Max Papernik about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Stop! Stop! Stop! ', Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Good Morning, papa! ", Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Do not leave me!', Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alexei Stepanov.
Member of VIA GRA.
Hope Granovskaya - from the Ukrainian heartland. Her amateur photo shoot accidentally fell to the famous composer Konstantin Meladze. With seventy coppers in his pocket and to conquer the world with their art, she arrived in Kiev. By the way, she danced with the youngest age at first before the mirror, then in the children's dance groups, and then was a teacher, choreographer. A very athletic girl, with preference for extreme sports. In addition to dance classes and body-building is not averse to fly on a hang glider, ride a water bike. Likes hundred percent classical music of the twentieth century, for example, Elvis Presley and Tina Turner. Single.
Anna Sedakova
Aboriginal from Kiev. The first time took part in the casting of 'Nu Gro' still in the early days of the group, like the producers, but due to the too young age and the image of a teenage girl does not come to style sexy group. After that, worked at a leading music channel 'on TV', a model, a leading rating of the show in Ukraine 'Ascent'. According to the girl, she did all this to show that she was an adult, intelligent and successful. 'VIA GRA' always ostavavlas for Ani dream. In the end, the producers saw that the 'girl ripe' and purposeful beauty became a member of the trio!
. Vera Brezhnev
. Vera was born in a suburb of Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipridzerzhinsk town, the birthplace of the famous namesake and distant relative of President Leonid Ilyich
. There, in the company of two beauties, sisters grew starlet. Vera said that her current success - is not talk to a happy confluence of circumstances, but also a real work. Vera much involved in sports, dancing, learning to love your face and body. By entering the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Transport Engineers, the future economist Vera Brezhnev really blossomed. In November 2002, Vera decided to take part in the contest 'Miss Dnipropetrovsk'. Among the large crowd of interested persons, bright and artistic girl with stunning blue eyes, noticed immediately, it did not even take place provided for the remaining qualifying rounds. The organizers of the competition no doubt that in the top three winners will be required Vera. But fate brought about changes: in this time of incredible beauty reminded administrators group VIA GRA. And Vera has chosen a musical career.
Vera: I was always a fan of the group "VIA Gra" and attended all her concerts, which took place in Dnepropetrovsk and Dniprodzerzhinsk. Drove even on their performances in Zaporozhye. Once at a concert I even got on stage with VIA Groy: Group vystupapala at Midsummer in Dnepropetrovsk at the Komsomolsk island and there was a competition among the spectators at the twins VIA Games, . I, among other spectators rushed to the scene and under the attempt? 5 depicted VIA Gro.
As a result, girls from Nu Games have chosen me and I sang along with them a try? 5. It was fantastic! And in late November last year I phoned the administrator VIA Games "and invited to come to Kiev on casting. Were made videoproby with a professional make-up, I was asked to sing, dance. In the end, the producers of my candidacy approved

It all started with the fact that on September 3 broadcast TV BIZ-TV premiere of their debut video - clip 'Attempt? 5'. After this event, began to develop at a maximum rate that overcomes everything, even the most optimistic expectations producers collective Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze. For 12 (!) September had the first pirated recording debut songs. But by the end of the first month of existence, the team appeared in the press mass 'yellow' materials, musical layouts - cassettes with illegally published composition 'Attempt? 5'. Calm Ukrainian show-business excited 'mystery called "VIA GRA" (quote from the title of one of the publications of the group).
The first hit the team quickly won the top the charts and was published in many popular Russian and Ukrainian collections. 'Attempt? 5' released on the compilation Hit FM (Moscow), XXL 'Dance', Auto HIT 'best hits BIZ-TV. Part 2 ', etc..
Refuting rumors that that's all and end by the beginning of winter on the screens out another video on the bright dance track "Hold me". Interest in the group is concentrated, denser and almost materialized. She invited to the concerts and interviews. Suffering has been denied. Intrigued public involved the generation of numerous assumptions about girls, the producers and the future of the collective.
By the end of 2000, the group's repertoire was already 7 songs, with which 'VIA GRA' began touring. The first concert took place on the team Dec. 20 in Dnepropetrovsk on the stage of the Ice Palace in the presence of 4 thousand visitors. To date the group has given more than 70 concerts in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
During the first year of existence 'VIA GRA' won several prestigious awards. The team participated in the ceremony 'Stopoduvy Hit' From Radio Hit FM (Moscow), which was held on June 2, 2001 in the Kremlin, and was awarded the prestigious 'gold weights' for the hit 'Attempt? 5'.
Team spoke at the 10 th anniversary annual all-Ukrainian festival "Tavria Games" and received a 'golden pen' at the award ceremony 'Golden Firebird' in
nominations 'Breakthrough of the Year' and 'Best Song'.
14 April 2001 we 'VIA GRA' made in St. Petersburg in a grand concert 'Hit Parade Muz-TV' broadcast the show took place in 250 cities of Russia.
April 23 the group has become a nominee of the project 'Star of the Ukrainian stage', conducted within the framework of the action 'Star of Ukraine', and received a diploma.
November 17 and 18 Group 'VIA GRA' became the first Ukrainian team, which was awarded the prestigious 'Golden Gramophone'. The team received her hit 'Attempt? 5'.
Member Group participated in photo shoots for many magazines. Among them, 'XXL' (Moscow), 'OM' (Moscow), 'Events' (Moscow), "Women's Magazine" (Kiev), etc.. Produced by the team decided to abandon photography for the magazine 'PlayBoy' (Moscow).
Alain and Nadia took part in filming the popular television program 'VIP. - Caprice ',' Banzai! ', '12 Angry Viewers', "Stilissimo", "Papapratstsi" (MTV); SV-show (1 +1); project 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka'
. 2002
. Horse of the Year for the sexy team throughout the post-Soviet space was a year of great change and transformation
. In the spring the duo became a trio. Causative stimulus to changes in the composition was the desire Granovskaya hopes to become a mother and temporarily leave the group. To fill a vacancy will occur producers collective - Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze - staged a rigorous selection of the candidates, which made it to the finals two: ex-TV Leading Anya and Petersburg model Tanya.
Newly trio immediately began to work, has written a new song called 'Stop! Stop! Stop! " and starred in the memorable video for her. May 23 in Moscow concert hall "Russia 'girls took part in awarding the prize' Ovation '.
August 15 Nadia gave birth to the lovable kid. The boy, much like her mother, was born weighing 2,700 grams and 52 centimeters. Baby named Igorem.12 ended September shooting a new video of the song 'Good morning, daddy! ". The main sensation of the new work was involved in the shooting of Hope Granovskaya! Return sexy brunette in a team and fans waited for the group, . and producers, . and managers of the company Sony Music, . which a year ago a group of five-year contract,
. Shortly after filming the video Tanya left the band to take part in large-scale television project.
Autumn Alain, Nadia and Anya took part in the filming of the new screen saver to one of the most popular charts Russia's MTV - "Ukrainian Top Twenty '. Girls in overalls 'second skin', the script, robbed the bank, riding on huge motorbikes, used a firearm, an electric and charm for profit.
This year's soloist VIA GRA Anya, Nadya and Alena role played by royalty for a musical 'Cinderella', the next New Year's project-Ukrainian TV channel 'Inter'. Girls transformed into foreign princesses, to the best of the character and mentality of seducing Baskova.
Last year, Anya, Nadya and Alena took part in several television projects. They are heroines of programs 'hide and seek', 'The Domino Principle', 'Total Show' and other. Belle appeared on the covers of the super popular men's magazines 'XXL', 'Maxim' and once again refused to strip for 'Playboy'.
New Year - the best reason to start a new life. Took advantage of our favorite women's team and in early January, immediately struck the public wholesale portion of supernova. First and foremost - in the group appeared Faith. No religious fanaticism, just call a stunning blonde, who recently became a soloist VIA Games. In an extraordinary appearance, Performing Talent and beautiful name, the young star has the intriguing name of Brezhnev. Vera replaced Alain Vinnytsya, left the trio for a solo career.
I updated and even more brightly shining VIA Games - thousands of ambitious plans. Some of them already put into practice. With the participation of the Faith rewritten debut album 'attempt? 5 ', and almost finished work on a new plate.
Conclusion of the contract with Sony Music:
August 31, 2001 in Moscow, a contract was signed between Sony Music and group VIA GRA ". This is the first international contract of the company Sony Music Entertainment (RUS), as a charming team is a fully Ukrainian product: all its members are citizens of Ukraine and live in the capital - Kyiv. Thus, in the Sony Music catalog can now find 5 Russian artists.
September 27 at the label, 'Columbia', in which the album's release of such famous artists as: Ricky Martin, Celine Dion, Destiny's Child, Aerosmith, Jessica Simpson and many others, their debut album VIA GRA, entitled 'An attempt? 5'
. It includes 11 songs: 'spell', . 'Attempt? 5', . humorous descriptions of adventures of the protagonist in a love hexahedron, . which is replenished by the end of song girlfriend Masha and its several clones, . 'I will not return', . very lyrical, . sad and unusual for the melody track, . 'Meet my mom, . say, . that the greatest folly in the world are made with a straight face.
If you listen to this thing seriously, it will be really big blunder. Because she superLight. And in general SUPER! The range of positive emotions from a smile to light buoyant laughter you provided, 'What have I done', 'bomb', a song of protest, which in itself is interesting because such sensations are not typical for the post-Soviet pop. Blow up the world of music and fresh energy until he died of boredom! 'Would you let me', sensuous confession of love. In love! Whatever was said, 'Now or never' in this song - absolute freedom, as in a dream. So why not use it! If now you can change all around, . Why wait? Urgent proceed to positive deconstruction of objective reality, . 'Hold me', . another confirmation of the rapidly advancing matriarchy and no less inexorably approaching female polygamous.
'Thanks for the summer', fall is the inspiration not only from Pushkin, especially if the summer was in good company own dreams, 'Every day', with a creative approach everyday life are no less romantic than the day of the first kiss.
By mid-March 2003 the company 'Sony Music Entertainment (RUS)' plans to release second album. The future of Long-play no names, but a few songs from it have already become a huge hit. In fresh material the more serious themes, it's aimed at a vzrolsuyu audience than the previous. This is evidenced by the songs from the disc, which had already become a huge hit, 'Good morning, papa!', 'Do not leave me', 'Stop! Stop! Stop! ".
Author of lyrics, music and arrangements of all songs - Konstantin Meladze
'Attempt? 5', dir. Max Papernik operator Alexei Stepanov;
'Hold Me', dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Bomb', directed. Igor Ivanov, to Dr. Victor Cherkasov;
'I'm not coming back', dir. Max Papernik about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Stop! Stop! Stop! ', Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Good Morning, papa! ", Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alex Stepanov;
'Do not leave me!', Dir. Semen Gorov about Dr. Alexei Stepanov.
Member of VIA GRA.
Hope Granovskaya - from the Ukrainian heartland. Her amateur photo shoot accidentally fell to the famous composer Konstantin Meladze. With seventy coppers in his pocket and to conquer the world with their art, she arrived in Kiev. By the way, she danced with the youngest age at first before the mirror, then in the children's dance groups, and then was a teacher, choreographer. A very athletic girl, with preference for extreme sports. In addition to dance classes and body-building is not averse to fly on a hang glider, ride a water bike. Likes hundred percent classical music of the twentieth century, for example, Elvis Presley and Tina Turner. Single.
Anna Sedakova
Aboriginal from Kiev. The first time took part in the casting of 'Nu Gro' still in the early days of the group, like the producers, but due to the too young age and the image of a teenage girl does not come to style sexy group. After that, worked at a leading music channel 'on TV', a model, a leading rating of the show in Ukraine 'Ascent'. According to the girl, she did all this to show that she was an adult, intelligent and successful. 'VIA GRA' always ostavavlas for Ani dream. In the end, the producers saw that the 'girl ripe' and purposeful beauty became a member of the trio!
. Vera Brezhnev
. Vera was born in a suburb of Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipridzerzhinsk town, the birthplace of the famous namesake and distant relative of President Leonid Ilyich
. There, in the company of two beauties, sisters grew starlet. Vera said that her current success - is not talk to a happy confluence of circumstances, but also a real work. Vera much involved in sports, dancing, learning to love your face and body. By entering the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Transport Engineers, the future economist Vera Brezhnev really blossomed. In November 2002, Vera decided to take part in the contest 'Miss Dnipropetrovsk'. Among the large crowd of interested persons, bright and artistic girl with stunning blue eyes, noticed immediately, it did not even take place provided for the remaining qualifying rounds. The organizers of the competition no doubt that in the top three winners will be required Vera. But fate brought about changes: in this time of incredible beauty reminded administrators group VIA GRA. And Vera has chosen a musical career.
Vera: I was always a fan of the group "VIA Gra" and attended all her concerts, which took place in Dnepropetrovsk and Dniprodzerzhinsk. Drove even on their performances in Zaporozhye. Once at a concert I even got on stage with VIA Groy: Group vystupapala at Midsummer in Dnepropetrovsk at the Komsomolsk island and there was a competition among the spectators at the twins VIA Games, . I, among other spectators rushed to the scene and under the attempt? 5 depicted VIA Gro.
As a result, girls from Nu Games have chosen me and I sang along with them a try? 5. It was fantastic! And in late November last year I phoned the administrator VIA Games "and invited to come to Kiev on casting. Were made videoproby with a professional make-up, I was asked to sing, dance. In the end, the producers of my candidacy approved
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
Ukrain Girls
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Ukraine's Girls
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