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Record numbers of single women are embarking on motherhood without a lover, fearing they might end up childless if they wait for the "perfect" man.
IVF treatment given to women determined to go it alone has more than doubled in the past five years, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).
Fertility clinics have coined the phrase "bio-panic" to describe the trend for women in their late 30s and older to give up on finding a father and rely instead on family and friends for support.
Dr Gillian Lockwood, chairman of the British Fertility Society ethics committee, said: "Women are clearly -listening to the warnings about how natural fertility declines in their late 30s and are deciding they don't want to leave it until it is too late.
"Many are suddenly realising that this commitment-phobic man they are living with, who says he wants children 'at some point', cannot hear their biological clocks ticking. These are wonderful, educated, professional women who are making a definite choice about motherhood.
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